Saturday, May 11, 2019

Everything you need to know about siwes is here.

Do you know at all how your siwes mark is calculated?
Let's reason together here.
After all the Siwes programme you've gone to do, you may end up loosing mark if you don't know how your marks are shared.
Your mark is divided into two ways.

Siwes is a 4 unit course and it is over 100.
You will be given 50 marks for your logbook and 50 marks for your defending.
So it is very possible for you to have up to 75% which will be "A" in your siwes course.
Siwes is a course for ND 2 student and your it will be calculated to your second semester GP in ND2.
So this is the hightime you make good use of that opportunity.
Tips to get good mark from your logbook.
1. Make sure it is neat
2. Make sure you fill it up
3. Make sure you are able to defend any they ask you from your logbook
4. It is necessary to put digram where it is needed in your logbook.
5. Never write anything you didn't do in your siwes centre into your logbook.
Since we are done with the tips of logbook let's now proceed with how to hit a good mark from your report.

Before we go further, we will like to tell you we make siwes report and it is very cheap.
So now, you will make 2 copy of your report.. Your report is just like a material someone can read to kniw all you've done in siwes. So your report must have the accurate with your logbook.
What are the necessary tips you need to know about your report.
1. Make sure your report is a complex copy of what you have in your logbook
2. Make sure you defend your report very well.
3. Your dressing when presenting matters a lot.
If there is any question you need to ask more about thus siwes just right your question in the comment box.
Contact us to pay for your siwes logbook.
08140360933 or 07064190882.

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